Element | Property | Color token |
Label | text color | $text-secondary |
Caret icon | svg | $icon-secondary |
Node icon | svg | $icon-secondary |
Node | background-color | $layer * |
- Denotes a contextual color token that will change values based on the layer
it is placed on.
Example of closed (top) and open (bottom) tree view states.
State | Element | Property | Color token |
Hover | Label | text-color | $text-primary |
| Caret icon | svg | $icon-primary |
| Node icon (optional) | svg | $icon-primary |
| Node | background-color | $layer-hover * |
Focus | Node | border | $focus |
Selected | Label | text-color | $text-primary |
| Caret icon | svg | $icon-primary |
| Node icon (optional) | svg | $icon-primary |
| Node | background-color | $layer-selected * |
| | border-left | $border-interactive |
Selected + hover | Label | text-color | $text-primary |
| Caret icon | svg | $icon-primary |
| Node icon (optional) | svg | $icon-primary |
| Node | background-color | $layer-selected-hover * |
Disabled | Label | text-color | $text-disabled |
| Caret icon | svg | $icon-disabled |
| Node icon (optional) | svg | $icon-disabled |
| Node | background-color | $layer * |
- Denotes a contextual color token that will change values based on the layer
it is placed on.
Element | Font-size (px/rem) | Font-weight | Type token |
Label | 14 / 0.875 | Regular / 400 | $body-compact-01 |
The internal structure of each node varies depending on the node type and level.
The labels of nodes on the same level should always vertically align. Do not mix
text-only and icon nodes together as this will misalign labels.
Element | Property | px / rem | Spacing token |
Node | padding-right | 16 / 1 | $spacing-05 |
Caret icon | margin-right | 8 / .5 | $spacing-03 |
Node type | Level | Property | px / rem | Spacing token |
Branch | First | padding-left | 16 / 1 | $spacing-05 |
| Second | padding-left | 32 / 2 | $spacing-07 |
| Third | padding-left | 48 / 3 | $spacing-09 |
| Fourth | padding-left | 64 / 4 | $spacing-10 |
Leaf | First | padding-left | 40 / 2.5 | $spacing-08 |
| Second | padding-left | 56 / 3.5 | – |
| Third | padding-left | 72 / 4.5 | – |
| Fourth | padding-left | 88 / 5.5 | – |
Structure and spacing measurements for text only tree view | px / rem
Node type | Level | Property | px / rem | Spacing token |
Branch | First | padding-left | 16 / 1 | $spacing-05 |
| Second | padding-left | 40 / 2.5 | $spacing-08 |
| Third | padding-left | 64 / 4 | $spacing-10 |
| Fourth | padding-left | 88 / 5.5 | – |
Leaf | First | padding-left | 40 / 2.5 | $spacing-08 |
| Second | padding-left | 64 / 4 | $spacing-10 |
| Third | padding-left | 88 / 5.5 | – |
| Fourth | padding-left | 112 / 7 | – |
Structure and spacing measurements for tree view with icons | px / rem